ATTENTION: C-brake pistons for 6HP19 and 6HP21 are different.
The transmission manufacturer supplies the pistons without o-rings - this kit contains the o-rings for the C-Brake-Pistons for both transmission types.
also available as single items: seal kit for C-brake, our ref. A-SUK-6HP19/21-CB 1x large o-ring A-ORG-103013 for 6HP19/X only 1x large o-ring A-ORG-108684 for 6HP21/X only 1x small o-ring A-ORG-108790 both
seal kit for D-brake piston, our ref. A-SUK-6HP19/21-DP 1x large outer o-ring A-ORG-108684 1x small inner o-ring A-ORG-108819 1x medium inner o-ring A-ORG-76546